Friday, November 19, 2010

Quick Write: Fathering Paradoxes

Tiffany Quinones

The article "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas" discusses severely contradictions that go against the absent fathers that we see today. One paradox Coltrane explains is fathers being just as involved in the PTA as other mothers were during the 1930's. "The ideal father at mid-century was seen as a good provider..." (Coltrane 436) As times changes and women were sent off to work as well some men had to take on a more nurturing approach with the children in the household and provide the extra care with children. This is such a paradox because men were always seen as the families source of income and that's it. Now they were serving as helpers to the mothers and contributing with the children. This connects to the photo because it shows how men have now taken on a maternal role that women are suppose to have naturally.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the paradox Tiffany is pointing out. Over the course of time and because of the shift in financial power, roles are being changed. Women are now spending more time working leaving Dad to have to help pitch in mroe with rasing kids which is not the norm. That draws on to the paradox that men are now ahvign to become more maternal but to much to surpass the role of women.
