Friday, December 10, 2010

Research Paper # 2: Proposal and Preliminary Thesis

My topic is Scott Coltrane's theory in "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas" I agree with Coltrane's idea on how men are expected to contribute in children's lives but when they do they lose a sense of masculinity or have their motives questioned. When men interact with their children they lose masculinity and become maternal, they're seen as unsuccessful in the work field, and are blamed for confusing the roles of mothers and fathers.
Fathers have been seen as just breadwinners while mothers are the ones who provide emotional and physical support. Fathers are now taking on the role of the nurturer and breaking out of the stereotypical roles.
I'll be conducting my research by looking at books that tackle the development of childhood when men are involved in the lives of children. I will be accessing my sources by going to the library.

Blog Post 15: Reflection

1) What was the one assignment that was fun to do and why?

The one assignment that I enjoyed doing the most was research paper number one. I enjoyed doing this paper cause it allowed us to look through a whole years worth of magazines and elaborate on what we personally thought was the trend for that specific year.

2) What was the assignment that made you learn something about something? What was that "something" you learned?

Research paper two taught me something. I learned that fathering was a significant role in a childs life and that having a father in a childs life helps the child be more sycologically stable.

3) What was the one assignment you did not care for? Why?

I didnt care for our first assignment because it played too much into a picture. We didnt have any outside information to work with besides the ad and it made it a little bit difficult.

4) Do you think, overall, Blogger was a useful tool for this class? In what ways?

I do think blogger was a useful tools for this class because it allowed us to see others work a look at some techniques they used in their papers and it helped me reflect on peices of writing.

5) I would have liked to do more topics on Bromances and night life in a guys perspective cause i think its a fun topic and I would have liked to look more into why men react to women the way they do.

Research Paper 2: Final Draft

Friday, November 19, 2010

Quick Write: Fathering Paradoxes

Tiffany Quinones

The article "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas" discusses severely contradictions that go against the absent fathers that we see today. One paradox Coltrane explains is fathers being just as involved in the PTA as other mothers were during the 1930's. "The ideal father at mid-century was seen as a good provider..." (Coltrane 436) As times changes and women were sent off to work as well some men had to take on a more nurturing approach with the children in the household and provide the extra care with children. This is such a paradox because men were always seen as the families source of income and that's it. Now they were serving as helpers to the mothers and contributing with the children. This connects to the photo because it shows how men have now taken on a maternal role that women are suppose to have naturally.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Worst Date

The worst date I've ever been on was with my ex-boyfriend. We decided to go out and eat. The whole time on the way over there we argued about a cellphone. While we were there the same conversation about the cellphone continued. Finally I got so tired of the arguing I got up and walked home. After that date I did decide to continue seeing him I figured it was only a one time thing and it wouldn't happen again. I think everyone experiences a bad date every once and a while. We should all get chances to redem our selves.