My topic is Scott Coltrane's theory in "Fathering: Paradoxes, Contradictions, and Dilemmas" I agree with Coltrane's idea on how men are expected to contribute in children's lives but when they do they lose a sense of masculinity or have their motives questioned. When men interact with their children they lose masculinity and become maternal, they're seen as unsuccessful in the work field, and are blamed for confusing the roles of mothers and fathers.
Fathers have been seen as just breadwinners while mothers are the ones who provide emotional and physical support. Fathers are now taking on the role of the nurturer and breaking out of the stereotypical roles.
I'll be conducting my research by looking at books that tackle the development of childhood when men are involved in the lives of children. I will be accessing my sources by going to the library.
I'll award this blog credit but it is too late for this to receive any points toward the research paper 2 grade.