Friday, September 17, 2010

The Male Privilege Checklist

The Male Privilege Checklist by Barry Deutsch establishes the perks of being a white male living in America. An advantage that stood out to me was the fact that men have the privilege of being unaware of their male privileges (45 on the checklist). I believe this to be true because men truly are unaware of the special treatment they do encounter in everyday life. Tasks that are generally harder for women to complete are made simple to men. The Checklist also states that in Politics, Religion, and the work field men are primarily given the upper hand, number 15 "I can be somewhat sure that if I ask to see "the person in charge" I will face a person of my own sex. The higher-up in the organization the person is, the surer I can be." shows that men are always seen in a higher postion of power. Men have an endless amount of privileges over women that are still to be explored.


  1. I agree the privilege 45 is the most compelling one. How do you think the fact that men are unaware of the privileges they have further establishes them as a dominant sex? Also, do you think men are really oblivious to these privileges or are they just pretending to be, much like when women ask men to do laundry and they do a horrid job just to get out of doing it again?

  2. Men might not be as blind as we think to this idea. After all they are aware that they are in charge in politics, businesses, and in some forms of religion. I believe because they are in the position of power and are fully aware of it, they kind of slack off in acknowledging what their power can do.
