Friday, November 12, 2010

Worst Date

The worst date I've ever been on was with my ex-boyfriend. We decided to go out and eat. The whole time on the way over there we argued about a cellphone. While we were there the same conversation about the cellphone continued. Finally I got so tired of the arguing I got up and walked home. After that date I did decide to continue seeing him I figured it was only a one time thing and it wouldn't happen again. I think everyone experiences a bad date every once and a while. We should all get chances to redem our selves.


  1. I think it was very nice of you to give him a second chance after displaying such possessive and rude behavior. I even give you bigger credit for walking home and again still giving him a second chance. This refers to Bordos reading, it seems your boyfriend was being a beast on the way to dinner instead of being a gentlemen. Personally if I was you there would of been no second chance if I walked home.

  2. men act and do stupid things sometimes. But sometimes you just got to deal with some of those habits. But, I personally think you did the wrong thing, because what if something like this happen again. This relates to Susan Bordo article "Gentlemen or Beast""The Double Bind of Masculinity." where he seems to argue and show a negative emotion one point, but later would act be show a postive emotion. This relates to "Who Cheap", because he doesn't seem cheap, just selfish. But, according to what you say he becomes a better person at the end.

  3. In the end we eventually broke up but after that date a situation like that never happened like that again between us. I dont think he was being exactly the "Beast" Susan Bordo refers to and if he was i gave him the chance to prove him self and become the "Gentalmen" men should be.
